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Therapy For Adolescents


Adolescence is a complicated period in our lives. It is a time of amazing development neurologically, socially, emotionally and psychologically. During the teenage years, one has to deal with leaving childhood, making new friends, managing intense emotions, planning for the future and entering the world of romance.

It is no surprise that many teens have much difficulty navigating these challenges. The intensity of emotions and increased impulsivity can lead to some serious consequences. It figures that motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death amongst adolescents followed closely by suicide. At any point in time 10 to 15% of teens are dealing with some form of depression and 20% will struggle with it at some point during their adolescence.

Therapy for Adolescents - drlyleherman

Psychotherapy can be very helpful during this tumultuous time. Counseling focused on the beneficial aspects of this growth can plug into and encourage the positives in the search for uniqueness and originality. The massive brain reorganization and increased brain plasticity means that this is an exciting opportunity for learning and change. It is also an important time to develop good habits in terms of self-care. Tobacco use along with drug and alcohol use are mine fields to avoid. Sleeping can be a big problem during adolescence too as teenagers require about 9 1/2 hours of sleep a night. Since they are biologically programmed to go to sleep later and wake up later than adults this is an issue that often needs to be worked on.

There are more positives however in that teenage brains respond very highly to social rewards, especially approval. Hopefully, that approval is coming from the capable and level-headed people in their lives.

Parents who are concerned about their teens having a marked change in behavior including increased aggression, depression, and social withdrawal are advised to talk to them about the possibility of therapy. Also, teens can get help themselves as in Honolulu and throughout the state of Hawaii parental permission is not needed for individuals over the age of 14 to engage in counseling.

Having provided psychotherapy for teens since 1990 has given me a seasoned perspective and ability to work in this area. Please don't hesitate to contact me.